Thinking about what your next career step might be?
League Football Education has secured access to Start, which has replaced U-Explore as a resource providing online career support and information.
Start is an “innovative, online teaching and learning resource that is accessible 24/7.”
It delivers comprehensive information, advice and guidance in order to help learners manage their own futures and progress.
Start offers a sneak preview of what the working environment may be like in a wide range of jobs, as well as providing further detail on the qualifications and skills you need to get there.
Start is engaging, highly visual and
a fantastic careers education tool.
Access to the tool is provided by LFE to all current and former Apprentices, plus anyone considered to be working directly with LFE.
For LFE apprentices to utilise this resource, follow the simple steps below:
- To visit the START home page, please click here
- You will need to log in to your START account for full access to the platform, you should have received a sign-up email and have been given your username and password by either an LFE staff member or a member of staff from your club. If so, use those details to sign-in
- If you have not received a confirmation email, please contact your LFE Regional Officer or alternatively LFE’s Transition Officer Anthony Cato at
- For information on how to utilise the new START platform as well as key benefits, please click here
For LFE and club staff, please see below information and guidance on how to utilise the new START platform:
- For information on onboarding students to the platform, please click here
- A series of informative webinars which cover key changes and topics on the new START platform can be found here
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